Month: December 2009

Post ID: 4736

Dear reader, By the time that you read this, I will have been long gone from Sydney! I’m currently overseas as part of a two month holiday which is a celebration of graduation of uni – and a last hurrah before beginning full time work. 



When the Pastry Chef discovered that I had never eaten cannoli before, this was quickly remedied by the appearance of three – one with vanilla custard and two with a chocolate cream filling. I didn’t know what to expect. A deep fried outer? And then 

The Good Kitchen (2), Hurstville

The Good Kitchen (2), Hurstville

Good Hong Kong style afternoon tea sets are sometimes difficult to find. But I think I have found a good one at The Good Kitchen in Hurstville! Entrance The tea set is offered from 2-5pm. The menu didn’t specify any days so I assume that 

Sushi Masa, Camperdown

Sushi Masa, Camperdown

Boy, this place is hard to find! Tucked away behind the old Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, it seems like Sushi Masa’s main clientele comes from locals who live in the units surrounding the restaurant. Inside Sushi Masa DJ Rehactor, Mobblees and I had come here 

El Bahsa, Newtown

El Bahsa, Newtown

The Vintage Queen and I met up one Saturday morning to have Newtown brunch. We both purchased a Rooibos Iced Tea with Blood Orange and Mint (nowhere near as nice tasting as that description sounds!!! Tasted like very watered down rooibos tea with no hint 

Miss Saigon, Hurstville

Miss Saigon, Hurstville

Suburban Vietnamese restaurants are always better than those in the CBD. Is it the lower prices? Is it the generous servings? I think it’s all of the above! There are a few other places that serve pho in Hurstville but I think Miss Saigon is 

Just Another Restaurant (JAR), Darlinghurst

Just Another Restaurant (JAR), Darlinghurst

JAR has the potential to become my new favourite restaurant in Sydney. This was my first visit but I was so impressed that I can’t wait to go again. It is hidden on the corner of Crown St and Stanley St in the city, which