Month: June 2017

Irvins salted egg potato chips, Singapore

Irvins salted egg potato chips, Singapore

A family friend recently came to visit us from Singapore and brought over some souvenirs. Now normally I’m not a big fan of souvenirs but in this case it was food related and I was intrigued! She had brought over the latest food fad in 

Anatolia, Sydney Inner West, Clemton Park

Anatolia, Sydney Inner West, Clemton Park

Clemton Park has undergone a bit of gentrification in recent years with a huge residential complex having popped up complete with its own Coles and shopping and restaurant precinct. One of these restaurants – Anatolia – is where we decided to grab a bite to 

Captain’s Grill, St George Motor Boat Club, San Souci

Captain’s Grill, St George Motor Boat Club, San Souci

On the waters of San Souci lies the St George Motor Boat Club. Very popular with the locals and a pretty cool place to hang by the water and enjoy a feed with family and friends. Just be sure to get in early or you’ll 

McDonalds, Chicken Big Mac, Various locations

McDonalds, Chicken Big Mac, Various locations

I’ve loved McChickens ever since I was little and was a picky eating avoiding eating beef whenever I could. At Maccers I found solstice in the McChicken and the Filet’o’Fish which became my staple burger meals whenever I frequented Maccers. So when they launched their 

Saigon Bowl, Strathfield, Sydney Inner West

Saigon Bowl, Strathfield, Sydney Inner West

I haven’t been to Saigon Bowl for a while but stopped by recently for a late lunch. The prices here a tad more expensive than others but the taste is still top notch. Beef pho regular size ($12.50) – fresh cuts of rare beef, onions,